Ecosystem token on TON blockchain inside Telegram
The total unlocked supply is 10M (10,000,000 $KINGY)
The token community was formed in a Telegram channel and has more than 3M users
800,000 $KINGY were sold in an ICO on DEX in 39 hours.
1 TON -> 100 $KINGY
Min buy 0.004 TON
Max buy 0.16 TON
Don't get scammed EQC-tdRjjoYMz3MXKW4pj95bNZgvRyWwZ23Jix3ph7guvHxJ
At the moment $KINGY token allows you to:
- Add your project to the Catalog. It contains projects on TON which were checked and approved by members of the Kingyru Private channel. Many projects are rejected due to fair voting. Check the @tonorgin_catalog channel for more info.
- Comment posts in the @investkingyru and @investkingyru_en channels. Our anti-spam bot has been cleaning the chat from spammers and suspicious links for over six months! We've implemented it on other channels, where it also cleans all spam. Now we implement it for $KINGY tokens.
- Enter the Kingyru Private channel and chat.
- Buy new legendary NFTs from the kingyTON collection at 20% off at There are only 15 NFTs left to complete the collection.
- Promote your projects on the @investkingyru and @investkingyru_en channels.